Nathan Thomasset (Oct. 2019 - Dec. 2023, co-supervised by Stéphane Le Roux)
Finite-memory strategies in concurrent two-player games
Nathan is now a research engineer at Alstom
I have supervised 13 PhD students, who successfully defended their theses, as well as 9 post-doctoral researchers.
Finite-memory strategies in concurrent two-player games
Nathan is now a research engineer at Alstom
Concurrent two-player antagonistic games on graphs
Benjamin is now a post-doc at the Technical University of Dortmund with Daniel Neider
Strategy Complexity of Zero-Sum Games on Graphs
Pierre is now a research associate at UMONS (Belgium)
Verification and synthesis of parameterized concurrent systems
Anirban is now a post-doc at ULB with Jean-François Raskin
Stochastic Games on Graphs with Applications to Smart-Grids Optimization
Samy is a computer science professor in CPGE
Randomized Strategies in Concurrent Games
Daniel is now an assistant professor at EPITA
Robustness in Timed Automata: Analysis, Synthesis, Implementation
Ocan is now a full-time researcher at CNRS (IRISA)
Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Games - Application to Timed Games
Romain works at DiffBlue
Vérification de systèmes temporisés et distribués : modèles, algorithmes et implémentabilité
Pierre-Alain is now professor at Aix-Marseille University
Logiques pour les systèmes temporisés : contrôle et expressivité
Fabrice is now maths teacher in Maths Spé
Fabian is now an assistant professor at Université of Marne-la-Vallée
Vincent is now an assistant professor at Université of Marne-la-Vallée
Maximilien is now an assistant professor at EPITA
Mickael is now an F.R.S./FNRS researcher at University of Mons (Belgium)
Raj Mohan is now a post-doc in Mumbai (India)
Delphine is now a researcher at Thales
Thomas is now a professor at the university of Mons (Belgium)
Laura is now a researcher at the university of Naples (Italy)